[01/2025] Our paper on domain generalization was accepted at PR.
[01/2025] Our paper on standard plane localization was accepted at CMPB.
[12/2024] Our paper on symmetric deformable registration was accepted at CMPB.
[11/2024] Our News & Views was published at Nature Methods.
[10/2024] I was awarded IEEE-TMI Distinguished Reviewer (Gold Level).
[09/2024] I joined the University of Manchester as a research associate.
[08/2024] Our paper was selected as oral presentation at MICCAI MIML 2024.
[07/2024] One paper was accepted at MICCAI MIML 2024.
[06/2024] Two papers were accepted at MICCAI 2024.
[04/2024] Our abstract was awarded the best abstract at VITM 2024.
[04/2024] Our paper was selected as an oral presentation at ISBI 2024.
[03/2024] I was awarded IOP Outstanding Reviewer Awards.
[02/2024] Our paper on virtual heart chimaeras was accepted at IEEE-TNNLS.
[02/2024] Four papers were accepted at ISBI 2024.
[12/2023] Two abstracts were accepted at VITM 2024.
[11/2023] I was awarded the Chinese Student Awards from GBCET.
[07/2023] Two papers were accepted at MICCAI Workshop.
[06/2023] Four papers were accepted at MICCAI 2023.
[06/2023] I was awarded IOP Trusted Reviewer status.
[04/2023] Our paper on freehand ultrasound reconstruction was accepted at MedIA.
[03/2023] Our paper on test-time domain adaptation was accepted at CMPB.
[07/2022] I was involved as the executive assistant in the IPMI 2023 organizing committee.
[06/2022] Three papers were accepted at MICCAI 2022.
[05/2022] Our paper on breast lesion segmentation in ultrasound was accepted at MedIA.
[03/2022] I was selected as the best reviewers for IEEE JBHI in 2021.
[02/2022] Our paper on transformer for medical image segmentation was accepted at IEEE Access.
[10/2021] I successfully defended my Ph.D. transfer viva subject to minor corrections.
[09/2021] We were invited to an oral presentation in MICCAI 2021 Learn2Reg challenge.
[06/2021] Our extension study on breast lesion diagnosis was accepted at MedIA.
[06/2021] One paper was accepted at MICCAI 2021.
[05/2021] Our extension study on the multi-agent for standard plane localization was accepted at MedIA.
[03/2021] Our extension study on the standard plane localization in 3D US was accepted at IEEE TMI.
[11/2020] Our paper on fetal cortical plate segmentation was accepted at IEEE TMI.
[10/2020] I started my Ph.D. career in CISTIB at School of Computing, University of Leeds.
[09/2020] Our paper on robust model was accepted at IEEE Access.
[06/2020] Two papers were accepted at MICCAI 2020.
[06/2020] Our review paper on noisy label was accepted at MedIA.
[06/2020] I successfully defended my Master thesis.
[03/2020] I completed my internship at Computational Radiology Labtoray, Boston Children's Hospital.